5 Benefits of Living in the Mountains

Whether you’re moving to get away from life in the big city for work or simply to play in the mountains, there are many benefits to mountain living that you might not have ever heard about. From many areas of the mountains being prime real estate to being able to drink a beer out on the front porch on a starry summer evening without the blaring of horns and the headlights from traffic on the street below, there’s much to be appreciated when it comes to mountain living.

From Western North Carolina to Asheville, you’re not going to find more gorgeous scenery than you will from the front porch of the North Carolina mountain homes for sale in the area. Whether you’re purchasing a log cabin in Asheville or purchasing land to build a cabin in West Jefferson, North Carolina, you should know the many benefits of living in the mountains. In this article, you’ll find a few benefits to help you make up your mind about whether mountain living is indeed for you and your family.

1. Privacy


If you’ve never been a big fan of crowds, car horns blaring on every corner, and nosy neighbors counting the number of american light lager beers you drink while sitting on your front porch in the evenings, then this benefit of living in the mountains will attract you to this style of living like nothing else. When you live in the mountains, you don’t have to worry about car horns, someone asking what flavor of beer you’re drinking, or even anyone talking to you at all if you don’t want to see them.

The mountains in NC are a quiet place, full of the sounds of nature, and the birds and mountain lions don’t care what type of aroma is coming from your beer or how much you paid for it at the local brewery either. While there are plenty of neighborhoods to choose from in the mountains, if you’re a social person that wants to be around people, there’s also plenty of mountain land that you can purchase, so you can be isolated as well.

The choice is completely yours to make. Also, since there aren’t as many people, if you have moved to the North Carolina mountains with your family, it’ll be easier to find a Catholic high school that you can trust to educate your children and not have to worry as much about their safety.



One of the biggest benefits of living in the mountains has to be the gorgeous views. From waterfalls to creek beds and from the starry night sky to the beaches, there’s a lot that can be seen in the mountains of North Carolina. In fact, you might want to grab your camera, head out on a hiking trail, and take some shots to send to your family and friends. Make sure that you invest in the best cloud for photos, such as My Cloud Home.

In this way, you’ll have unlimited storage space for your photographs in Dropbox and cloud storage on your mobile device or your computer. It’s much easier to share your photographs with family and friends when you can put them in a folder in cloud storage, transfer them to your Dropbox, then share them across the social media sites your family uses. It’s also easier to use your Dropbox with your account in Google Drive and to transfer your Google photos for everyone to see the gorgeous views of the mountains you’ve decided to live in.

3. Clean Air/Water


Anyone who lives in the mountains can tell you that the air smells fresher, and the water tastes better. This is because you’re living at a higher elevation than the rest of the town, and with a high altitude comes fresher cleaner air, and fresher, cleaner tasting water. Fresh air is important to everyone’s continued good health, so why wouldn’t you want to move your family to the mountains where the air and the water are cleaner and much better for you?

4. Outdoor Opportunities


When you live in the mountains, it becomes hard to stay inside, glued to the TV all day. On the weekends, when you’re off work, you’ll find yourself hiking the trails through the mountains to commune with nature or mountain biking with friends and then going into town for an early dinner. Once you’re home for the night, you’ll find yourself sitting out on the front porch watching the stars above‚Äîsomething you can’t see if you live in the big city for sure.

There are so many things to do in the mountains, or even in the town at the bottom of your mountain, that you may find yourself looking for some time to just be by yourself if you aren’t careful, and there’s plenty of opportunities for that as well when you live in the mountains.

5. Improved Health


Studies have shown that living in the mountains can be great for your health. From fighting obesity to helping prevent heart disease, the benefits to your health of mountain living are endless. Even the fresh air in the mountains and the relaxed way of living can help fight stress, headaches, and mental issues.

Not only do the mountains encourage you to get out and get more active, the fresh air and altitude also promote sleep. If you have insomnia, there’s a good chance it’ll be a thing of the past when you move to the mountains. However, if you do have physical issues that the high altitude in the mountains could harm, it’s best to talk to your primary health care provider before making a move. It’s best to know that the mountain air will be the best for your condition before you make the move.

These are just a few of the benefits you’ll experience when you decide to give mountain living a try. From improved health to cleaner air and the ability to see the stars, there’s nothing like mountain living to make you happy.