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Do You Need a New HVAC System Before Summer Hits?

Your HVAC system is great when it’s working fine, so many homeowners don’t pay the unit a whole lot of attention until it stops working fine. As a homeowner, you want your home to be in tip-top shape at all times. It can’t be if your HVAC unit is on the fritz.

While many homeowners know what to expect from a new air system, they don’t know how to tell if that air system has breathed its last and needs to be replaced instead of repaired. Many homeowners don’t look for the signs that their HVAC system is not working properly and are completely surprised when they wake up on the hottest day of the summer to find the HVAC system isn’t working at all. To keep that from happening to you this upcoming summer, look for the signs below that you need to schedule an air conditioner system replacement as soon as possible.

Your HVAC unit always needs to be repaired.

If you’re looking for home improvements you can make on a budget and your air conditioner always needs to be repaired, then that’s what you should work into your budget before summer begins. Whether it’s your heat systems or your new system that seems to always needs to be repaired, you need to get in touch with a contractor that can tell you if it’s worth repairing yet again. A new air conditioner can go a long way towards lowering your electricity bills and making sure you and your family are cool and comfortable when the temperature outside starts to rise.

Your air conditioner is over ten years old.

Every appliance eventually outlives its usefulness, and your air conditioner is no exception. If your central air unit is over ten years old, it’s probably having a hard time keeping up with the heat outside. Central air units from ten years ago weren’t near as energy-efficient as they are today, and if your unit is that old, it’s struggling to cool your home, which will result in higher cooling bills also.

The temperature is wrong.

If you find yourself having to up your order from your bottled water delivery service to more 5-gallon bottles because you’re dehydrated and always hot, though your air conditioner is running full-blast, you might have a problem. If your thermostat is reading the right temperature, but it’s still sweltering in your home, then it could be time to replace your central air unit. However, you should first check to make sure it’s not the thermostat that’s faulty, then call in a contractor or HVAC technician to upgrade your central air unit for you.

Air Quality Issues

When a central air unit is not working properly, it often affects the home’s air quality. If you’ve recently seen an increase in dust or you’re sneezing more than normal, then your air conditioner unit might not be filtering and circulating the air the way that it should. An improperly-working AC unit will also cause a higher humidity level in your home, so if you’re experiencing any or all of these signs, it’s time to call in a repairer before summer begins in earnest.

High Cooling Bills

If you’ve noticed recently that your electric bills during the summer are higher than usual, it could be because your AC unit isn’t working properly. The more your unit has to struggle, the higher the bills are going to be. Once you have the unit replaced, your bills should come back down to a more affordable level.

These are a few of the top signs out there that you might need to replace your AC unit before the summer even begins. The last thing you want is to be stuck at home in a heatwave with no AC unit at all and no repairman insight.

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